Guest Post: How I Came Upon Jane Austen

Posted March 12, 2012 by Whitney in Guest Post / 1 Comment

Today I have a guest post by Samantha from The Little Munchkin Reader  sharing how she discovered Jane Austen and how it impacted her.  
The works of Miss
Jane Austen have entered into readers lives in different ways. For some it was
from watching a short movie clip and for others it was reading an extract. In
some cases, it was from a recommendation or just so someone would stop exhaling
loudly every time you said you had not read anything from the beloved
Jane Austen came
into my life through a short extract from Pride and Prejudice, on a miserable
and rainy day in England, during an English Lit class, during late
What extract you may
ask? Well, for your information it was an extract from chapter one; the chapter
that begins with probably one of the most recognisable lines in literature
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession
of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
Though at the time
I’d never read any Jane Austen, I knew enough to know where the extract was
from. As the class read through the extract, I began to realise that I was truly
enjoying what I was reading and wanted more…
After finishing the
extract, we were shown the first several scenes of the BBC adaptation with Colin
Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Again, I found myself pining for more after watching
the opening scenes and decided then and there, that I wanted to read Pride and
Prejudice myself and watch the adaptation in full.
So I did just that.
Pride and Prejudice became my first ever foray into Jane Austen. I’ve since read
Sense and Sensibility and own all the other novels of Miss Austen. My first
foray though has also led me into reading and owning large quantities of Jane
Austen continuations and watching all the adaptations of this beloved classic
(though the BBC adaptation remains my favourite).
So, how did you
first discover the works of Jane Austen? Was it through a friend, relative or
even a stranger?  

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One response to “Guest Post: How I Came Upon Jane Austen

  1. I hadn't read a single page of Jane Austen until I took an 8-week summer course when I was going college. I didn't really warm up to her until years later when I reread Persuasion.

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