Friday Memes #18

Posted October 22, 2010 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 10 Comments

It’s Friday! Time for another Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books The Hop is designed to discover great book bloggers and be discovered yourself. Not only can we discover new blogs but great books to add to the ever growing wish-list. So hop on over and join the fun!

This Week’s Question:
Where is your favorite place to read?
I have a comfy chair by the fire that I usually commandeer with a large cup of tea.


10 responses to “Friday Memes #18

  1. Hello,
    I'm visiting from the blog hop, and am already a follower. I love to read in front of the fire too, hence the name of my blog.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hopping by & will be following. I love many of your book choices this year! I'm currently reading Pride & Prejudice for the 1st time & it's grown on me (finally!). Hope you'll stop by my book blog when you have the chance. Have a great weekend :o)

  3. I have a really comfy chair as well, but I hardly ever use it…I like to sprawl on my bed and read. Reading on the subway is nice, too.

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