Jane in June

Posted June 1, 2010 by Whitney in Event / 17 Comments

Jane in June is finally here!  Misty at Book Rat has really put some elbow grease into this event and is filled with a myriad of all things Jane this month.  My plan is to read Jane’s novels in the order that they were published.  I’m not guaranteeing that I’ll get to them all but this is my plan. 

  1. Sense and Sensibility (1811)
  2. Pride and Prejudice (1813)
  3. Mansfield Park (1814)
  4. Emma (1815)
  5. Northanger Abbey (1817)
  6. Persuasion (1817)

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17 responses to “Jane in June

  1. That is quite the list. I hope that you get through it. I'm participating in Jane in June as well. I'm starting Emma today. Good Luck!

  2. Ah okay 🙂 Mansfield Park is the one that I haven't read so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on it!

  3. I joined too! This is the first ever event, meme, challenge anything that I have signed up for and it may well be the last but I just couldn't resist this one!

  4. Mansfield Park is the only Austen novel I haven't read either. It's crazy that it's the only one both of us have yet to read.

  5. wow, and I'm feeling ambitious because I plan to try to squeeze in a Northanger Abbey reread and try to review all the others!

    Good luck 🙂

  6. Brenna– Thank you, I think the last time I read Persuasion was in high school and still a little to "mature" for me. I still loved it though and plan on rereading soon.

    Kals– I think a Mansfield Park read-along is a great idea!

    Priya– I can understand Persuasion turning into one's favorite. It really is a more grown-up version of P&P

    Allison–Northanger Abbey is amazing! It's a great gothic parody.

    Felicia– I hope you'll be able to fit a little Jane in this month. I think you'll love Northanger Abbey.

  7. I'm signed up for this as well. I really need to stop reading your blog, because it just increases my number of challenges! 🙂 I'm planning to read Park Honan's biography of Jane Austen, as well as at least one novel inspired by Austen's work. I'd also like to reread one of the novels — probably either Sense and Sensibility or Mansfield Park. Or Persuasion. Ahh, too many choices!

  8. Jane Austen and Austen lovers gave us way too many choices! I love Sense and Sensibility, and have a major crush on Col. Brandon. And once again, I'm sorry if I'm a bad influence on you 🙂

  9. I'm a former English teacher, and I tried to read Jane Austin for just enjoyment. It must be a guy thing. I couldn't. I could teach it. I just couldn't enjoy it. Roland

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