Sunday Post #30

Posted July 27, 2014 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 24 Comments

Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Off the Blog

This week we had three showings, their specific thoughts were:

  1. Showing One: Can we rent it?
  2. Showing Two: Loved the house but would want it on a different lot
  3. Showing Three: Made an Offer!
We sold the house!  Our closing is at the end of August.  Then we will be living at our place in Upper Wisconsin until we have a place closer to the Madison area.
On Thursday, we went to Madison, Wisconsin to visit my brother and sister-in-law who just recently moved there.  Conveniently, the lot I have talked so much about (and which we still do not own) is in a suburb of the city.  Besides spending the weekend with family (my aunt and uncle live there too) we talked to our builder about the plans for the house we would like to build.  We are pretty sure that we will get the lot and want to be able to move forward when it happens.

Last Week On the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Book Haul

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24 responses to “Sunday Post #30

  1. Oh Whitney, I am so excited for looks like things are falling into place. I hope things work out with the lot! Have an awesome week filled with good books!

  2. Congratulations on selling your house! That's great! And, even better that you have another place to go. When we sold out house it happened so fast we barely had time to find a new one. We ended up in a really old house near the airport (we could see the pilot's face in the cockpit during landings. Fortunately in finding the "hell hole" we lived in while the current house was designed and built, I made some of my best friends. So it all turned out in the end!

    • It is nice to sell a home quickly but not so nice when you haven't found one to go to! Although it is nice that there was a silver lining in it for you.

      This is the first time we haven't had to move for a new job and having to worry about the best school district, and because we technically aren't homeless it is nice to take our time and find the perfect place.

  3. Congratulations on selling the house!! So exciting! I'm curious about The Fortune Hunter and The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennett. Both look great. Have a great week!

    • The Fortune Hunter is very unique and have really been enjoying it. I'm looking forward to starting The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennett because of my ardent love to P&P although I think I will start Alias Hook first as it is already overdue at the library.

  4. Looks like you've had a good week. Haven't hear of the books you talked about but they are on my radar now, thank you.

    happy reading for the week too come & new follower via blogloving 🙂

    • It has been a busy week, but in a good way. I'm always tempted by the new shelf at my library and find a lot of books I'd hadn't heard before that way hence the Captain Hook retelling.

      Thank you for the follow!

  5. Congratulations on selling, and good luck going forward with the build. Your sidebar article got me thinking since mine is somewhat cluttered, and I've been putting off updating my look- might be time to update a little. 🙂 Thank for sharing and have a great week…

  6. Yeah for selling your house.. like right away! I am always afraid that when we go to sell it will sit on the market forever. Austen in August sounds like a lot of fun! I have never participated in it but always read the posts for it.

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