My Journey to Becoming Strictly Vegetarian

Posted October 4, 2017 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Almost two years ago I became a Pescetarian. A Pescetarian refrains from eating all meat with the exception of fish. My aunt has maintained this diet since she was sixteen and it fulfilled my mother’s worry about me getting my B12. When people ask why I became a vegetarian/pescatarian my answer is “I wouldn’t want to eat my cat so why is it okay to eat a chicken?” It is then followed up with “except for fish, I only eat animals that are dumber than my cat.” When it is written down, I sound like a horrible, uncaring person. I now must rethink my answer. Whether it be a guilty conscience or a new found dislike for seafood, but fish has not had the same appeal as of late nor has shrimp tasted as delectable.

After a year and a half and countless Amy’s dinners I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I cannot sustain on frozen veggie burgers alone. Therefore, over the past few months, my veggie recipes board on Pinterest has grown exponentially and I’ve started to get my hands dirty in the kitchen.

It has been a slow process, I started out a few years ago as a one trick pony and made a frittata almost weekly to keep up my B12 intake. Recently, I’ve been yearning to branch out from my egg existence. So, being a reader my natural instinct was to check out cookbooks at the library. I’ve found several recipes that sound interesting and hope to try a few myself.

So far, I have experimented with:

  • Baked Oatmeal
  • Roasted Butternut Squash
  • Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
  • Veggie Burgers
  • Granola

In the upcoming weeks I hope to share my journey in learning to cook and attempting to like tofu. It anyone has any suggestions on that last one I’d be eternally grateful.

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One response to “My Journey to Becoming Strictly Vegetarian

  1. Never had tofu and TBH it doesn’t sound great. I’d make a bad vegetarian. 🙂 Although I will say I’ve considered going pescetarian- I don’t have a problem eating fish really, but I’ve just never taken that step. I definitely eat a lot more veggies now though, and a lot less meat, so it’s progress.

    The baked oatmeal actually sounds kinda good, and so doe the mushrooms. I hope you find lots of new ideas!
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