A Change in Direction

Posted April 3, 2018 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 3 Comments

I took an extended vacation from blogging this winter. First, I went through a reader’s slump and as this is a book blog, it became a blogging slump. As always Harry Potter got me through my reader’s block but it was not until a few weeks ago, when I read The Princess Bride that my enthusiasm for blogging returned. After I read William Goldman’s novel I felt the urge to watch the 1987 film followed by listening to Cary Elwes’ memoir As You Wish. It was then when I remembered how much I liked reading books that have been adapted for the big screen. I became reenergize and I made the decision to make a small change in direction of the blog. That direction is a focus on books that have been/will be set to hit the big (and small) screen.

The types of posts I plan to include are:

  • Book & Movie Reviews
  • News posts on books being adapted to film
  • Judgement posts on how the film held up to its novel counterpart.

First Impressions Reviews and I are back and here to stay along with a little change and new-found enthusiasm.

3 responses to “A Change in Direction

  1. Sheila L. Majczan

    I have read that book also and have a DVD of the movie. When my children were young it was one of our favorites.

  2. Margaret

    This sounds great! Looking forward to your comparisons (or judgements as you call them haha)!

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